The 10 Foods You Will Regret Placing in the Freezer

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#3 – Eggs

Eggs© Egg Farmers Of Alberta

Eggs cannot handle the freezer at all. You probably know how fluid expands when it becomes solid, well, that’s what will happen to eggs in the freezer, and this can cause the shell to break (actually, this is the exact reason why you need to buy appropriate containers and allow some space whenever placing liquids in the freezer.)

Besides wasted eggs, your freezer will be full of the foul odor of rotten eggs. Moreover, frozen yolks will turn gummy when thawed (you don’t want to see that.) Just leave those eggs alone where they belong, which is the main body of your refrigerator.

#4 – Canned Goods

Canned Goods© Science ABC

This is also about the liquid that expands when it becomes solid. In case you put the can inside the freezer, the liquid will eventually expand and since the can is loaded with whatever it contains it is going to either crack or explode!

Furthermore, if you have accidentally frozen canned foods, it could put your health at risk. According to the USDA, in case the can is swollen, you can thaw it but examine if it still smells and looks normal before consumption.

If you have to freeze whatever is inside the can for whatever reason, it is highly recommended to transfer the goods to airtight and freezer-safe containers first.



  1. Eggs? Really, there has to be an article to tell people they can’t put eggs and canned goods in the freezer!

  2. Avatar Linda K Jackson

    I know some people absolutely love frozen grapes.

  3. Avatar Glenn R Shannon

    Freeze grapes all the time and eat frozen. Freeze lemons in air tight wrappings and thaw in refrigerator and they are still nice and juicy.


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