Drinks for Diabetics

When you have diabetes, choosing the right drink can be a more complicated task than you might think. Recent studies in this area often...

Palpitations: A Banal Sensation that Can be a Warning Sign

You are quietly brushing your teeth and your heart begins to beat faster and in a disorderly manner. Don’t panic! Heart palpitations are not...

10 Signs that Prove that You don’t Drink Enough Water in...

Our body consists of more than 50% water, so it is normal that it sends us signals when we don’t drink enough. On average,...

Types of Heart Disease in Children

The birth of a child usually represents one of the most beautiful moments of our adult life. When you learn that your child is...

10 Cancer Symptoms That Not Everyone Knows

Cancer or the "disease of the century" is a very feared affection. This malignant tumor affects more and more people around the world and...

The 8 Best Green Juices for Health

Finally, it came to us!!! Yes, green juices are more and more known, consumed. Long used in the East as a way to purify...

10 Foods to Avoid If You Have Heartburn

When suffering from heartburn, after-meal is often unpleasant and painful ... In reality, heartburn is one of the symptoms of a phenomenon called gastroesophageal...

Foods Made in China That you Should Never Consume

China is the world's driving exporter of food products. This country is using innovative methods and techniques to bring these products to global markets...

10 Foods That Cause Gas

Fart (or emitting flatulence, it's chicer, but the result is the same) is a 100% natural phenomenon that happens to everyone (yes, everyone, no...

This Is What Your Eyes Can Reveal About Your Health

© Pinterest Your eyes are your windows to the soul! They are precious and keeping them healthy, safe and sound should be your priority. In...