Foods And Drinks That You Should Never Have For Breakfast!

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Last Updated on February 14, 2020

3. Juice

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People like to add a glass of juice to their breakfast. If you are like them, we recommend you to stay away from processed fruit juices because they are just as bad as other sugary beverages.

Usually, natural orange juice is highly regarded as a perfect drink to start the day because oranges contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals, while being low on fat (and gluten-free, in case you’re celiac). This is all true, but… due to its high amount of sugar, this is far from being a perfectly healthy fruit juice. In fact, its sugar levels are so high, that they’re similar to those present on sugar-sweetened beverages like Coke. That’s right. 1 cup of orange juice (200ml) contains 20,8g of sugar. The same amount of Coke contains 21,2g of sugar. Logically, you can argue that those are different kinds of sugar – you’re right, fructose is very different from processed sugar – but your liver will suffer as it will absorb this sugar very quickly and because of its limited fructose metabolization capacity, the amount it can’t handle gets turned into fat. You will easily put on some weight. Besides, by drinking the juice you’re only getting very small amounts of all the nutrients we mentioned earlier.

It is fine to drink orange juice every now and then, but there are way better similar options out there that you can drink on a daily basis while keeping your mornings healthy: coffee and green tea (both without sugar, obviously), for example, not only are healthy, but they will also give you a much-needed caffeine boost to start the day.

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