The 10 Best Exercises For The Greatest Abs

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The advanced Russian twist


Right after you master the basic Russian twist, it will be the time to learn the advanced version of this exercise. In order to do it, you should raise both of your feet only couple of inches off the floor.

Keep them that way throughout the entire exercise and you will feel the burn in your abs, which means they are popping up the way you need them to. Start with one set of 10 and then work your way to 3 sets of 15.

The leg raise

© dua.stanito

The best thing about abs exercises is the fact that they can work up your entire body at the same time, especially the leg raise exercise. The latter concentrates mainly on your abdominal muscles, but it still works your shoulders, upper arms, and your entire core.

The leg raise exercise is actually one of the most effective exercises and the most difficult one as well. It is best to be practiced by those who have already achieved a good overall strength. You should start with 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps, and slowly work up till you reach 15 reps per set.

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