The 10 Best Exercises For The Greatest Abs

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The advanced leg raise

© Coach Mag

As we mentioned before (at number 6), the leg raise exercise is one of the most difficult exercises to master, but in case you did master it, you should not stop there. You need to attempt working on the advanced leg raise.

It is basically when you raise both of your legs straight in front of you, instead of curling them. You should start with 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps and work up getting into 15 reps for each set.

Cardio activity

© Hindustan Times

You can’t get the perfect abs only by following a few exercises. It is a must to do cardio in order to burn the fat around your belly. We already know that they are the most “stubborn” fat that can’t be easy to burn down.

Many people avoid doing any cardio activity because they will not build any muscle, but it is actually a very important step to make space for the abs to show.

However, you don’t need to run only. There are many other ideas that are fun and can help you burn a lot of fat, like swimming, jumping rope, rowing, Zumba, and spinning.

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