The 10 Best Exercises For The Greatest Abs

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Cable Crunch

© Seelenflügel

The cable crunch exercise may not be everyone’s cup of tea when it comes to working out the abdominal muscles, but it is the best one to work for your six packs. Just bend from your waist, pull down your upper body towards your thighs, and let your abdominal muscles do the work.

In order to get the best results, do 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps. Also, make sure to look it up online to avoid doing the wrong move. One simple mistake can lead to unwanted circumstances.

Standard crunches

© Weight Training Guide

This is another great exercise that can help tone the muscles up quickly and work your main abdominal muscles perfectly. However, you need to be extremely careful while doing it because it may hurt your back if you are new to it.

In general, standard crunches are a great ab-focused exercise, and they don’t really work the entire core, which means you should not count on this exercise to burn your fat, it will only help your abs pop up quickly. As a start, do only one set of 10 to 25 reps, and slowly build up to 2 sets.

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