10 Foods That Will Keep Your Lungs Alive!

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Last Updated on January 23, 2021

4. Apples

Once again, a diet for healthy lungs is all about foods that are high in nutrients and vitamins, including apples. Apples are high in vitamin C and vitamin E, beta-carotene, and, most importantly, antioxidants. Did you know that people who eat at least five apples per week have better lung function than those who don’t? This happens due to quercetin, an antioxidant present in apples that have been studied and found to protect our lungs from air pollution and cigarette smoke.

5. Cayenne Pepper

Capsaicin, which is a component found in cayenne pepper is great for our bodies. It’s not only an incredible metabolism booster, making you lose more calories per day, but it also helps with the stimulation of secretions that help protect our mucus membranes from our respiratory tract. Drinking cayenne pepper tea could be great for those suffering from lung inflammation or those who have asthma since it can relieve a lot of its symptoms.

6. Ginger

Consuming ginger is also a good way on how to treat lung inflammation. Besides it being an anti-inflammatory ingredient, it promotes lung detox, which ends up having a big impact on congestion relief while improving the lung’s circulation of air. Try it and drink a cup of ginger tea whenever you feel sick.

7. Garlic

Lung cancer is, unfortunately, one of the main diseases out there. Even though there’s no exact cure for cancer, a healthy diet can help the body gain back its force more quickly and in an efficient, healthy way. Garlic happens to possess flavonoids which are known to stimulate glutathione production. But why is glutathione production good, you might ask? Well, glutathione is great because it helps with toxin reduction and, therefore, improves lung health.

8. Flaxseeds

The secret for a strong and healthy lung tissue might be hidden in flaxseeds, which are ingredients that have been proven to work as a protective layer for radiation and exposure. Eat a spoon of them every day and see if you notice any difference!

9. Turmeric

Another tip for people with asthma is turmeric, which has amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. All thanks to curcumin, which is a compound present in turmeric that is responsible for relieving the respiratory tract inflammation, providing comfort while eliminating any chest pain associated with the lungs. Here is how to make turmeric tea: 1- You need to boil around 4 cups of water 2- Then, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of powdered turmeric to the water. 3- Let the mixture sit down for at least 10 minutes 4- Drain the tea and let it cool down for a bit. 5- Ready to drink!


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