6 Liver-Friendly Foods You Should Be Eating

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Last Updated on February 6, 2021

If you care about your health, you already know that the foods you eat every day have a big impact on how your body works and feels. But when it comes to liver health, it’s something that should be taken even more seriously. After all, we can’t live without it, but most of us don’t do enough to keep a healthy liver, which leads to various health problems and poor liver functions. If you have itchy skin, feel nauseous, notice swelling on your ankles and legs, have a dark urine color, or any type of abdominal pain, then you should get your liver checked since these are poor liver symptoms.  Even though a visit to the doctor’s office is always a good idea, you should also follow a liver cleanse diet, which will help your liver come back to its original healthier state.  So without any further ado, let’s check what healthy food you should be adding to your grocery list to fight liver problems!

1. Coffee

Did you know that coffee is known to reduce the risk of cancer, fibrosis, and cirrhosis in the liver? And if you already struggle with liver disease, know that drinking coffee every now and then might help slow down the condition so you’ll have more time to fight it.  Whether you’re a coffee fan or not, you should be aware it has many benefits when consumed moderately. But if you’re a coffee addict, then maybe coffee is hurting you instead of helping you.  To take full advantage of coffee and its benefits, you should never add any sugars or fatty creams to your coffee. Instead, opt for low-fat dairy milk, almond milk, cocoa powder, or cinnamon. Honey can be a great sugar substitute if you hate the bitter taste of the coffee. Just remember, one small cup of coffee a day keeps liver and heart problems away!

2. Avocados

Avocados are also a key food for a healthy liver. They are super high in fiber, water, and healthy fat. Researchers have found that people with fatty liver disease who consume avocados daily are more likely to have their condition slowed down and even recover from it. It’s believed to be associated with the fact that avocados are a great way to lose weight and lower BMI. Not only that, avocados also help with cholesterol.  If you haven’t tried eating avocados yet, don’t be afraid to. You can make avocado smoothies or add natural flavors if you don’t enjoy the avocado taste on its own. 


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