This Is What Happens When You Drink Less Than 1 Liter of Water Every Day

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#5 – 7 Signs You Don’t Drink Enough Water

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There are signs that you do not drink enough water and must know them to stay hydrated. They are:

1. Dry mouth

Dry mouth is a sign that most people ignore, but shows that the body is not properly hydrated.

2. Eyes and dry skin

The skin needs to be well hydrated for cells to function properly. If it is dry, it is a sign that you are not drinking enough water. The same goes for the eyes when they are red or irritated.

3. Darker urine

The color of normal urine is light yellow and almost transparent. When the urine is darker, like the color of tea, for example, it is a sign that you need to drink more water.

4. The bowel does not function properly

When the bowel is not working properly, the feces get harder and drier and this may be an indication that you are not drinking enough water.

5. Joint problems

The joints of the human body are made up of about 80% water. This means that it is very natural for you to have joint problems if your body’s water levels are not optimal.

6. Stomach pain (not a sign of hunger)

You often feel that pain in your stomach and think you probably are hungry. However, this can happen even after eating and means you are dehydrated.

7. Dizziness and excessive fatigue

Dizziness can have several associated causes, but one of them is low water consumption. Fatigue may also be related to low water consumption and this is due to excessive tiredness of the simplest tasks.

These chronic dehydration symptoms help you to realize that water consumption is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body and that is why you should always stay hydrated. But have you ever thought about what happens when you don’t drink enough water?

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