10 Of The Most Common Signs That You Are Overtraining

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Lowered self-esteem

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It is very natural to feel a sense of accomplishment after an intense workout session, especially for men.

However, starting to obsess over training and increasing the intensity of your workout is a mindset that is not healthy because soon enough, a low self-esteem will occur, and it is related to our nervous system.

The overtraining affects our level of happiness and triggers insomnia, depression, and irritability. Also, your self-esteem may decrease when you are dehydrated, have work/personal stressors, or suffering from lack of sleep.

Halted progress

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This is the biggest sign that most athletes and gym enthusiasts suffer from when they are overtraining: Do you feel like your body stopped changing, even when you are doing your best efforts?

When your body is overstressed and doing more efforts that it can handle, it starts heading towards the opposite direction of growth. That’s normal because your muscles are basically torn and don’t have time to recover.

So you have to slow down immediately to protect yourself from entering the phase of muscle burning.

Just keep in mind that your body needs to rest, and your muscles are in desperate need of repairing themselves. Relaxing is not a bad thing, and your goals will be achieved for sure as long as you take good care of your health.

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