10 Of The Most Common Signs That You Are Overtraining

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Often Sick

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Getting sick is one of the major signs that you are overtraining. Obviously, getting sick has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle, and most of the times, it is the way your body chose to tell you that your immune system is suffering from training so much.

So when you are overtraining, your body gets on a catabolic state, which increases your chances of getting ill and decreases your immunity. So once you get sick, you have to reduce your training time, adjust your diet (add vitamin E and A), and rest!

Loss of concentration

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When you overwork your body, your brain will start to lose its ability to focus. Basically, when you go to the gym, you are obligated to focus on one goal, and it is to workout hard and good.

But when you find yourself incapable of doing it, especially if it came around the time you increased your gym-time activity, then it is a strong sign. So just try to have a day off, distract your mind, and don’t do a lot of physical activity.

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