7 Fresh Foods You Should Never Store Together!

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Last Updated on April 16, 2021

8. Tomatoes – Keep Them Free!

Tomatoes are among the foods that can make you sick if they are not stored properly. Some people like to store tomatoes in the refrigerator so that they are always fresh and last longer. However, this is a preconceived idea that people have about tomatoes, and that is completely wrong. Tomatoes that are placed in the refrigerator end up becoming softer and tasteless, which destroys the essence of the tomato. For this not to happen and for you to benefit from the flavor of the tomatoes, it is necessary to store them at room temperature. Only then do they maintain that delicious taste, as if they had just been harvested from the earth. These are the seven incredible fresh foods you should never store together and that you must follow to the letter. Otherwise, you risk seeing your food rot quickly, increasing waste, and your food expenses. You are an important part of combating food waste, so it is essential that you properly store your fresh food in the most appropriate places. And everyone wins.



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