7 Fresh Foods You Should Never Store Together!

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Last Updated on April 16, 2021

4. Root Vegetables – Put Them in Bags for Longevity!

There are many root vegetables that you can and should include in your diet like carrots, kohlrabi, onions, beets, and many others rich in nutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. However, for them to last as long as possible, you must use reusable bags for produce. These reusable food storage bags are inexpensive, easy to use, and will prevent your root vegetables from becoming soft or rotting quickly. You need to put the root vegetables inside these bags and store them in their fridge or another cool, dark place.

5. Apples and Oranges? Move Them Away!

Do you like to store apples and oranges in the fruit bowl? Or even in the same storage drawer as the fridge? Know that you should not do this because, despite being a spectacular image – worthy of a painting by the Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, these fruits are mutually damaging. This is one of the biggest food storage mistakes you can make because apples release ethylene gas, and it will accelerate food spoilage. There are food storage containers for fruits and vegetables, but do not put all fruits in the same container. It is preferable to place the apples in the storage drawer of your refrigerator and the oranges in a cloth bag.

6. Separate the Bananas from Each Other

Since we are talking about fruits and to make food last longer, you must separate the bananas from each other. If you don’t, they will all mature at the same time and will not be able to last more than two or three days. To avoid this, choose the bunch of bananas well when shopping at the supermarket and pay attention to the more ripe ones. Then, when you get home, separate them so they will last longer.

7. Do the Same with Onions and Potatoes

Like apples and oranges, onions should not be stored with potatoes. Both should be stored in an open, cool, and dark place, but never together. The decomposition of onions causes the potatoes to rot more quickly, and this is something you don’t want to see (or smell!) In your pantry, for example. You can store the potatoes with the pumpkin for a long time, whereas onions can be stored with garlic without accelerated ripening. Check only if that space is sufficiently ventilated so that there is no mold or moisture. Also, be very careful with leftover potatoes, onions, or other ingredients, as there are food leftovers that can make you sick if they are not stored at the correct temperature. They promote the growth of Clostridium botulinum – the bacterium that causes botulism, when food is left out of the refrigerator for a long time, for example.



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