7 Amazing Restaurant Dishes You Should Avoid

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Last Updated on January 18, 2021

7. Chicken and Tuna Salads – The Danger of Sauces!

A chicken salad or a tuna salad are the typical and delicious dishes that you can order in almost any restaurant in the world. However, you should not eat them in restaurants, but only at home. And this is for a very simple reason: for the sauces that are used in the preparation of these dishes. Usually, these sauces are full of mayonnaise or other so-called homemade sauces, which are extremely harmful to the proper functioning of your body. In fact, this is a portion of unhealthy food that you should eliminate from your diet because it is extremely rich in calories, salts, and fats. And this is an explosive mix in any diet. Bonus: All Foods with Truffle Oil Truffles are expensive foods, but that doesn’t mean that a dish with truffle oil is too, and so unhealthy. At one point, truffle oil was made from truffles, but today it is not. Now, synthetic ingredients are used in the preparation of truffle oil, and that takes away all of its essences. So, don’t be fooled by the expensive price charged by restaurants that use truffle oil in their main dishes and the benefits of “synthetic ingredients”. These are the top 7 delicious restaurant dishes you should avoid so that your health is not compromised. Regardless of the reason, there is nothing like eating healthy food in the restaurant and the presence of friends and family. They are, without a doubt, moments of joy, sharing, and conviviality at the table that you will keep forever, as long as you do it with maximum security. Do not spoil these magnificent memories with restaurant dishes that could and should have been avoided.


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