What Are The 10 Stretches To Relieve Anxiety?

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Bow Pose

© ArtofLiving.org

Bow pose or Dhanurasana may seem at the beginning that it requires a certain degree of physical flexibility which it does. But you do not have to be super flexible.

This exercise will open your shoulders and chest, especially if you got tight shoulders because of the daily hunching postures when driving, sitting or working on your laptop.

To massage your internal digestive organs, make sure you inhale during your bow pose exercise. Any stuck wastes will be removed and your digestive system will be in relief.

The bow pose is by the way in the form of an archer’s bow. To begin your bow pose exercise, lie down on your belly, then bend your knees and fold them. Lift your upper thighs off the ground; this could be a bit difficult.

Your hands are supposed to reach your ankles and heels. Breathe in and out and stay put in the same posture for 2 seconds or so.

Child’s Pose

© Pinterest

Child’s pose is among the easiest resting poses you can do in a yoga sequence. You can perform child’s pose almost anytime, before bed in particular, when you feel fatigued and exhausted. Sit on your buttocks and join your feet and knees together.

Stretch your arms and lean your body forward. Your head should be against the ground if you can. In case you cannot, do not force your head and remain in the most comfortable posture. A pillow or a blanket can also help if you have a neck injury. Then release your body. Throughout the exercise, inhale deeply and slowly.

If you had an accident and your knees were severely injured shortly before the exercise, it is preferable not to perform such a pose.

Practicing yoga and performing some of the poses you have just read about are your best remedy for panic attacks, anxiety, stress and tension. You do not have to take those anti-depressing pills or wait for health insurance offers to cover your therapy.

You can get rid of anxiety before evolving into a worse disorder through practicing yoga at home on your own without spending any cent.

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