What Are The 10 Stretches To Relieve Anxiety?

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Butterfly Pose

© kidskunst.info

This pose is also known by Bound Angle Pose. This pose is said to be rooted in the Indian culture; usually a reference to the sitting position of the Indian cobblers which is why it is also called The Cobbler Pose. Seating this way for a while will help in strengthening your hips and getting rid of abdominal discomfort.

So first, you need to sit straight on the mat. Next, try to bend your knees and bring your feet soles closer to one another. Push your heels to the pelvis. Once your feet soles are brought together, drop your knees on each side.

You might feel a bit of pain at the beginning. Keep your chest up and wrap your hands around your feet. The straight sitting pose should last for 1-5 minutes.

Seated Forward Bend

© Yuri Elkaim

In addition to seated backward bend, it is crucial to perform the forward bend to accomplish your daily yoga targets and get rid of over-thinking and anxiety. This pose will help you in stretching your hamstrings in addition to the lower and upper parts of your back.

In fact, it can be an exercise through which you can learn how to perform the respiration process even in uncomfortable positions. The seated forward bend consists of sitting straight and stretching your legs and keeping them together. Keep your feet flexed and hands over your head.

Breathe in deeply and put your arms forward. Keep stretching as much as you can unless you were in pain, then you stop. It is okay if you cannot reach your toes for it is hard anyways, especially in the first time.

Once you reach your maximum, stay put and breathe in and out for 8 or 10 times. You can perform the exercise several times.

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