Top 6 At-Home Workouts That Will Change You!

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Last Updated on December 10, 2020

6. Crunches and Planks

We talked about legs, arms, overall body exercises, but we can’t forget about the abs, right? Crunches and planks are great exercises for burning calories and work on abdominal muscles. Not only that, but planks especially are known to help people who suffer from back pain. All you have to do is put your arms aligned with your shoulders and your feet together. Make sure you’re straight, and your back isn’t arched. Then hold that position for as long as you can, first start with 20 seconds, then 30, and so on. To do crunches, you must lay down flat on the floor and bend your knees. Make sure they’re aligned with your shoulders. Place your hands behind your head or on the floor alongside your body. Then raise your upper body and come back to the floor. It’s hard at first, but if it were easy, we would all walk around with massive defined abs! After reading this article, we hope that you understand how to do morning exercises and the reasoning behind why morning exercise is important. You don’t need to have joint problems or be in pain to workout. You should, however, work out to prevent having such problems. And those who have problems or are restrained by physical conditions or pain must focus on stretching exercises and low-weight workouts. Keep in mind all the benefits of exercise when it comes to your physical health and psychological health. By exercising, you’ll become a better person, on the outside and inside.


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