Top 6 At-Home Workouts That Will Change You!

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Last Updated on December 10, 2020

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3. Leg squats

If maintaining strong legs and stability are important things you think you should work on, balance exercises like squats are for you! Squats are some of the most famous workout exercises all over the world. One big misconception about this exercise, though, is that its purpose is for growing a booty when, in reality, squats are meant to strengthen the muscle not only in your butt but also legs, hips, and knees. Squats are an exercise that should always be incorporated in every single workout routine Firstly make sure your feet are aligned with your shoulders. Place your arms out right in front of you. Then imagine you’re sitting on an invisible chair, try to reach at least a 90-degree angle. Then, go back to the starting point. Do this 15-20 times x2 for beginners.

4. Walking

Yes, even though it’s done mostly outdoors, we can’t ignore the benefits of walking. From weigh-loss to preventing bone-thinning, walking is such a great activity that all of us should be doing for at least 40 minutes every day. It’s a great change in your routine that can help you a lot when it comes to bone health or joint pain, for example. And what’s great about walking is that it can be done everywhere, in a park, in your neighborhood, even in your house if you have a big mansion or a running mat. If you live in a building, using the stairs instead of the elevator can also be a great change in your daily life that will show results sooner than you expect, not only when it comes to resistance, but you’ll notice physical changes in your body. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

5. Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks or any type of high-intensity aerobic exercises such as bear crawls, burpees, and donkey kicks are a great way to sweat, burn calories and therefore lose weight, but also, because normally aerobic exercises work your entire full-body, it’s promoting overall blood flow, which is great for your muscles and even joint health. If you prefer sports, kickboxing, dancing, football, swimming are also great cardio activities you can do that help with weight-loss. There are so many activities that you can do; it’s up to you to look around and find one that matches you.


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