The Most Surprising Things That Will Trigger Your Back Pain

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

You over-exercise

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We know you want to get your summer body ready as soon as possible, but that doesn’t mean you should exhaust your body and overdo it with exercise.

In fact, lifting too many heavyweights and doing many repetitions will cause you unbearable back pain and stiffness. However, the normal soreness will go away around the next day, but the pain will linger on.

If you noticed that it hurts every time you twist, bend over or extend your back days after the workout, then you should be examined by a medical professional just to make sure everything is fine and nothing has changed places.

You have kidney stones or UTI

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The urinary tract infection can lead to bladder inflammation, which means your chances of experiencing abdominal pain increases and leading it to radiate to your lower back. The kidney stones, however, would block the drainage of the kidney, causing extreme back pain.

In any case, you need to see a urologist once you start experiencing the first symptoms of UTI: feeling a strong urge to urinate all the time (even though you don’t need to), and you feel a burning sensation every time you are in the bathroom taking care of number one!

Don’t forget to see your doctor about the kidney stones, they can be easily removed, so you have nothing to worry about!

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