Here’s What Your Bowel Movements Say About Your Health

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Last Updated on November 27, 2020

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3. Diarrhea & Constipation

If your diarrhea lasts for more than three days or if besides diarrhea, you also have a fever, you should schedule a doctor’s appointment. There are several conditions that might be causing it, from intestinal flu and viruses to medications and food allergies. You need to identify the cause properly and act accordingly. Make sure to stay hydrated because during diarrhea, your body releases a lot of water very quickly – you should frequently be sipping small amounts of water. On the other hand, constipation can be caused, amongst other things, by the lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet (with low amounts of fiber), or chronic dehydration. Besides bloating and discomfort, constipation can eventually lead to the development of hemorrhoids – or even an anal fissure – due to all the pressure a hard stool does.

4. The Color of Your Stool

Your bowel health could also be evaluated through the color of your stools. Black: a very dark brown (almost black) color can possibly indicate bleeding in the upper part of your digestive tract. If your stools start having this color and you didn’t eat dark-colored food nor begun to take some new medication, you should visit your doctor; Red: besides turning your stools reddish, the presence of blood indicates that something happened in the lower part of your digestive tract. Tumors, colitis, and hemorrhoids are some of the most common causes of bloody stools. Green: green poop may look alarming, but it really isn’t something that you should worry about. It is always a result of the food you ate or your iron supplements. So, if you enjoy your spinaches, you better get used to green. Yellow: for some people, yellow is a normal poop color. But if you notice a weird smell (worse than usual), it could indicate that your body isn’t digesting food properly. If it happens often, you might have celiac disease. Because your body can’t handle gluten, food that has this protein (such as everything that contains wheat) will trigger an inflammatory response in your intestines that, among other things, will make your bowel movement yellow and smelly.


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