9 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Eyes Health Seriously!

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Last Updated on December 11, 2020

4. Eye Stye

Having an eye stye can be uncomfortable, making us feel pain and lack of confidence. They are usually caused by bacteria that we have on our skin. But it can also be caused by hormonal changes like stress. So, if you’re a stressful person, don’t be too surprised if you get one of these on your eye. Even though they’re uncomfortable, they can be treated with over the counter medication and some homemade remedies like putting a warm tea bag on your eye. However, if your eye stye is resisting or is constantly appearing in the same place, then it might be a better idea to visit your doctor.

5. Eyebrow Loss

Even though eyebrows aren’t the same as eyes, they’re still part of the eye area. One dangerous symptom that you might notice on your brows is eyebrow loss. You might not think too much of it; after all, they can be related to minor normal things such as aging or stress. But they can also be related to nutrient deficiency or even alopecia areata, which is a hair loss condition. It’s a very rare disease, but hypothyroidism, on the other hand, is not. Hypothyroidism is a condition where our thyroid gland can’t produce enough hormones, crucial ones. Even though there’s a treatment for it, there’s no cure, which means medical intervention is needed. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. Red Eyes

Red eyes aren’t normally dangerous. They can be the result of lack of sleep, a lot of rubbing, or allergies. All of them are easy to solve! You just have to sleep more, at least 8 hours per day, and stop rubbing your eyes. We know it’s hard to do so, but when you do it too much, it can make your eyelid looser or saggy, allowing more exposure to air and, consequently, causing eye dryness. When it comes to allergies, there isn’t much you can do but to take daily medication to avoid itchiness and retinal tears.Depending on what allergies you have, you might need to take a pill per day or just a few times per year because of seasonal allergies. No matter what the problem is, it would be best if you always hydrated your eyelids and the surroundings of your eye with special eye creams to take care of dryness and possible skin irritations.


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