9 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Eyes Health Seriously!

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Last Updated on December 11, 2020

7. Yellow Eye Whites

You might notice newborns often have yellow around their cornea. Adults can have it too! It normally happens when our liver function is not fully developed. It’s called jaundice, and this condition normally has to do with high bilirubin levels. It’s not an alarming condition since it can be treated. Babies are usually kept in the hospital for a little longer so they can do light therapy, which consists of receiving light in the blue-green spectrum for a while every day until their condition is better. When it comes to adults, eating certain foods, taking vitamins, or over the counter medication is enough.

8. Bulging Eyes

Some eyes bulge more than others naturally. After all, people can be born with bulging while others can develop it. An easy way you can find if your eye is bulging is simply by looking in the mirror and notice if you can see the white part of your eye, also known as the sclera, above your iris. If so, then that might be a sign of an overactive thyroid gland. This phenomenon goes by the name of hyperthyroidism. Your thyroid gland is producing way too many hormones, causing your eyes to look like this. The name of this autoimmune disorder is Graves’ disease, and everyone can suffer from it.Even though Grave’s disease is the principal cause of bulging eyes, it can also be related to other diseases like cancer or sarcoidosis. That’s why you should visit a doctor from time to time and take the advised medication. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

9. Swelling Around The Eye

Unless you physically hurt your eye by hitting it with something, swelling in your eye area can mean something went wrong inside your eye. Blocked tear ducts might be the cause of the swelling. But how? Tear ducts are a canal that allows tears to travel from our eyes to the nose and throat.When these are blocked, it can cause swelling and watery, irritated eyes. You should see a doctor if your eyes are getting too uncomfortable or if you gain a fever. No matter what your eye health says about, you do not try to take care of it by what you read online. Now that you’re aware of what might be going on with your eyes call a doctor or try to go to the pharmacy so they can advise you with proper medication. If the problem is serious, trust only an eye doctor. Our eyes are extremely sensitive and fragile, and because of that, we should pay extra attention to them.


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