6 Signs You Are Not Eating Enough Food

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Last Updated on January 11, 2021

4. You just don’t have energy

This is perhaps the most obvious sign you’re not eating as much as you should. The basic energy unit used in the nutrition field is a calorie. Saying that the human body needs energy to function properly is the same as saying that it needs calories. And how do we get them? Through foods and drinks. It is estimated that men should consume somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day, while women only need to consume between 1,600 and 2,400 (about 1,000 calories are needed for basic body functions alone, also known as the resting metabolic rate.)  So it is easy to understand the impact a highly calorie-restrictive diet can have on your energy levels. Since you need a certain number of calories to keep your body functioning, not getting enough food can leave you without any energy to perform other tasks. You’ll feel low, demotivated, and out of strength to maintain your routine.  [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

3. Constipation

So you’ve been trying to lose some weight and now you’re dealing with infrequent bowel movements or having a hard time in the bathroom to get the job done? It might be your new diet, the weight loss pills or supplements you have been taking, or even that weird weight loss tea you’ve been drinking every night before bed. Or you simply might not be ingesting an adequate amount of calories. That’s right! Not getting enough food can slow down your metabolic rate and lead to constipation. Not only will there be fewer waste products to form stools, but the digestive tract will also move food more slowly to preserve as much energy as it possibly can.

2. You’re cold wherever you are

The human body maintains its ideal temperature by burning calories. That’s one of the basic body functions we mentioned earlier. Therefore, drastically reducing your calorie intake might lower the core body temperature and make you feel cold all the time. An observational study published in an academic journal called Aging back in 2011 concluded that adults who consumed fewer calories per day had a significantly lower body temperature.


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