8 Toxic Products That Are Harming The Environment ( & What To Use Instead ?)

8 toxic products
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Last Updated on January 14, 2021

Why do we keep using toxic products that are horrible for the environment? Nowadays, more and more brands are making their products eco-friendly, which means less plastic, no animal testing, and overall less pollution and environmental problems. So why are we still purchasing and using bad products? Most of the time, we don’t even know if a certain brand is eco-friendly or not, but there are ways to find out, such as doing your research before purchasing an item. So without any further ado, here is a list of things that harm the environment as well as other healthier options!

1. Makeup wipes

Makeup wipes are truly amazing for those of us who are too lazy to remove our makeup after a long day of work. They’re small, easy to carry, and work quickly. However, some of these aren’t biodegradable, and makeup wipes may remove the makeup that lays on the surface of your face. Still, it does not do a good job at actually cleaning your face, which means that most of the times, you’ll be sleeping with leftover residues of makeup in your face, that will later contribute to wrinkles, acne, and overall unhealthy skin. So what are the options here? Oils and cleansing creams are the best choices, they don’t present a threat to the environment, and they’ll work way better at cleansing your face. It might take a little bit longer than a makeup wipe, but at least you’re not harming your skin or the environment.

2. Sheet mask

Just like makeup wipes, sheet masks will end up in landfills, contributing to one of the biggest problems on the planet, pollution. The mask itself, but also its packaging is not eco-friendly, but a homemade face mask is! We’re not here to deprive you of having your spa day. We just want to make sure you’re making the best choices regarding your skin and, of course, the environment.also you should keep on mind that most of cosmetics are not FDA-Approved, but are FDA-Regulated. So Homemade masks can be amazing because they’re made of natural ingredients of your choosing that are free of toxic products and that will have different reactions on your skin. You can use ingredients like olive oil, yogurt, coconut oil, avocado, and many others to achieve a hydrated, glowing face.


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