7 Tricks To Control The Food You Eat Without Feeling Hungry!

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Last Updated on January 18, 2021

3. Use Smaller Cutlery In Your Meals

If small plates play a major role in satiating the mind in relation to the amounts of food you eat, smaller cutlery also plays a key role in poor appetite. They will indicate the speed with which you eat and, with that, establish the moment when you are satiated. With small cutlery, you bring small amounts of food to your mouth, which contributes to the correct chewing of food. Besides, having to lift the fork several times to the mouth makes you feel after a few minutes that you have been eating for a long time. Therefore, use smaller cutlery in your meals to bring small amounts of food to your mouth. And don’t forget to chew your food well to get past that initial hunger streak. This way, you will be sated much faster.

4. Use Your Non-Dominant Hand To Eat

This trick can be challenging for you, but it is sure to help you lessen your desire and need to eat. And it is very easy to put into practice: if you are right-handed, use your left hand to hold the fork that brings the food to your mouth; if left-handed, use your right hand. Like using smaller cutlery, this trick will make you eat more slowly, which will allow you to cut that initial hunger urge. By breaking this urge to devour everything on the plate, you have drastically reduced your desire to eat and will be able to chew your food well, making it easier to digest.

5. Use Peppers To Season Your Meals

The use of peppers in the preparation of food is a spectacular trick that you can and should implement in your cooking to give a greater flavor to your favorite dishes. Cayenne peppers, red or black, among other types of peppers, generate greater heat inside the body, and this increases the number of calories burned after eating food. This means that in addition to giving a greater flavor, the use of peppers in foods promotes weight loss and reduced hunger. In general, peppers end up helping to control your appetite, which makes you eat in small quantities and be completely satiated.


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