11 Health Facts That You Really Need To Know (The Last One Will Surprise You!)

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021


Women Need More Sleep Than Men

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Sleep is a biological necessity for all mankind. And everyone keeps on stressing about how we all need 5-6 hours of sleep every day. What they fail to mention is that women and men’s needs for sleep differ.

According to experts at Duke University, women need to spend more time sleeping than man. When prevented from the right amount of sleep, women’s mental and physical abilities decrease more than men’s.

Micheal Breus- a sleep expert- says that if women are short on sleeping hours, they’ll get more depressed; also they’ll become easily irritated in the morning.


If You Look Younger Than Your Age, You’ll Live Longer

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Have you ever looked at some people and thought they look young but then get surprised when they tell you their age? It happened to all of us. However, it turned out that it is not just a matter of looking younger. These people have also the ability to live longer too.

Researchers from Denmark studied more than 300 pairs of twins over 60 years old. What they have discovered is that we can determine whether a person is going to live longer or not just by taking a look at his or her face. People who look older than their age tend to live for a shorter time than those who look younger.

Researchers also discovered that this fact is related to human genes. Telomeres are compound structures in the DNA that allow us to study the cells ability to replicate; they are also proven to be linked to the way a young person look. Thus, shorter telomere means looking younger.




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