6 Good Reasons To Start Eating Spinach!

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Last Updated on February 1, 2021

3. Boosts Immune System

It’s extremely important to have an effective and healthy immune system. After all, it’s the body’s primary line of defense that we are talking about. It must be able to properly identify and neutralize invading pathogens that can cause dangerous diseases. Giving the immune system a boost is precisely another potential benefit of eating spinach. As you can see from the nutrition facts shown above, this leafy vegetable contains high amounts of vitamin C, which is known to promote immune function in several ways. Here are some good examples: – Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells: cells of the immune system whose function is to protects the body against infections; – Vitamin C protects white blood cells against free radical damage (and other types of damage); – Vitamin C strengthens the skin’s barriers.

4. May Prevent Cancer

Sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerols and monogalactosyl diacylglycerol are two weird names. In the medical community, these two substances are known as SQDG and MGDG, respectively. According to some promising animal studies, both these compounds may slow cancer cell growth, at least in some specific types of cancer such as cervix cancer. Other studies have also concluded that eating spinach may help reduce the risk of prostate and breast cancer. Of course, no one can tell you that you won’t develop any form of cancer in your body if you eat spinach every day. But this healthy food can be crucial to avoid oxidative stress and help prevent some cancers. We are waiting for more conclusive studies to be made on this matter.

5. Strengthens The Bones

As you probably already know, our bones lose mass and density as we age. This natural process makes them much more fragile and increases the risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis, which is common among older people. To prevent this type of disease and counteract the effects of the aging process, you should maintain a regular exercise program and eat a balanced diet rich in vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin K – all of these can be supplied by spinach. Vitamin K, which is present in great abundance in spinach, stimulates osteocalcin production, a protein responsible for stabilizing calcium in the bones. Spinach also contains dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, and other important nutrients to help you keep your bones strong.


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