5 Reasons You’re Suddenly Gaining Weight!

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Last Updated on November 13, 2020

Friday comes to put an end to another week. You missed one workout day, but other than that, your routine was the same as ever. And so you get on the scale for your weekly weight check-up, and the numbers displayed surprise you: “Why am I gaining so much weight?” You ask. While small weight fluctuations are normal, if you gain 5 pounds in a week and you’re not on some weight gaining nutrition plan, something might be wrong. Rapid weight gain can be caused by several factors, and while some of them are simple to overcome, others can be indicators of more serious health problems. You must know your body so that you can immediately notice when it changes, how it changes, and if it can affect your well-being. Click to know the reasons you’re gaining weight suddenly! [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

1. Eating and lack of exercise

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about weight gain is food and eating habits, immediately followed by exercise routines. These things won’t make you gain weight too fast, but in the medium term, it will become a problem. Disproportionally large portions are some of the things that make you gain weight. The restaurant industry contributed to the normalization of supersized meals, as people tend to use the portions they’re served when going out as a standard when cooking at home. Try to understand the amount of food you’re consuming in a single meal, and take into consideration that a 10% decrease in your meal size can mean a reduction of 150 calories or more. And you will probably not even notice. But the problem could also be the type of food you’re eating. Even though everything you eat may seem healthy, some products are very high on calories and could be the reason behind your unexplainable weight gain. That’s doesn’t make them necessarily bad, but if you don’t exercise enough, calories will add up. And that brings us to the importance of exercising regularly. Find a type of physical activity you like and build the habit of doing it regularly. Your health and body will be grateful.


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