5 Most Evil Food Mixtures You’ll Ever Eat!

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The acidity of the combination may also lead to gas, bloating, and heartburn which occurs when acid reflexes back to the acid esophagus.

Other fruits that are high in acid and should not be mixed with dairy include pineapples, pomegranates, blueberries, blue plums, and strawberries.

Say adios to creamy citrus fruit salads!

#3 – Milk and orange juice with cereal

Honestly, this shouldn’t be allowed. Pictures of cereal, milk, and glasses of orange juice sitting together on the same tables have been trending on Twitter and Instagram for a while, but that’s just evil!

As we have mentioned earlier, citrus fruits combined with milk or dairy products hinder digestion, and fruit juice is no different!

Orange juice is high in acid and it will curdle the dairy foods and destroy enzymes contained in cereals.

Meanwhile, a bowl of starchy cereals with milk alone goes well.

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#4 – Wine and pudding

Alcohol and sugar…what a snack! Delicious combination. Perfect for your health.


Health experts have been warning against mixing alcohol with sugar because alcohol already increases blood sugar levels and insulin in the body, so imagine what mixing it with pudding or pastry does to your health.

Eating foods that are high in sugar with wine or beer causes weight gain and increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

#5 – Water/juice with a meal

Drinking water or juice while eating your meal is such a toxic behavior!

Taking a sip or two of water or juice in the middle of a meal should not be an issue, but drinking a whole glass too soon before a meal or right after will dilute the digestive acids in your stomach and hinder their function.

When the digestive juices are diluted, their ability to absorb nutrients and cause a deficiency of those nutrients in your body becomes weak. You may drink water 30 minutes before a meal to help with digestion but any time less than that will interfere with digestion rather than ease it.

Now that you know what mix you shouldn’t eat, here are the foods that are ok to mix: Starchy foods like corn, pasta, and grains with non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes, and courgette.



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