6 Food And Supplements To Improve Joint Health!

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Last Updated on January 18, 2021

More Than 15 million Americans experience joint discomfort throughout their lives. And those who are affected by this issue feel that there is a tendency for the problem to get even worse! The pain and discomfort you feel on your joints can be eased if you make some lifestyle adjustments, as well as some changes to your dietary habits. In this article, we are going to tell you all about the best foods good for joint health, as well as the most effective bone and joint health supplements.

1. Walnuts

Many dry fruits are rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and walnuts are no exception. This simple compound can make quite a difference for people who suffer from joint issues and experience the associated discomfort. Studies have shown that the consumption of walnuts can reduce inflammation markers, and this goes for other foods like canola oil or flax seeds, just in case you are allergic to nuts. Why are omega-3 fatty acids good for joint health? Because they act as eicosanoid precursors, contributing greatly to the prevention of inflammation, but also fortifying your immune system.

2. Garlic

When it comes to food that bring health benefits, garlic is in the podium – it is super rich with minerals and vitamins, and it also contains a powerful type of sulfur known as allicin. You can only find this compound on the bulb of fresh garlic, so you must consume it raw and fresh, to make sure you get all the benefits. When it comes to joint health, garlic is potent anti-inflammatory so, if you can, you should include it in your meals often.

3. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are a vital part of any healthy diet, and of course, they also provide benefits when it comes to your joints. Greens like kale and spinach are filled with super beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that are important for your body’s healthy and normal function. Hence, you should add them to your diet to make sure that your body gets all the vitamins it needs for your joints to be healthy. The best vitamins for joint health can be found on green foods – vitamin A, K, and C can help fight inflammation, thus contributing to the health of your joints. Do not forget to always eat green food – your general health will benefit from it, not just your joints.


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