10 Foods You Should Stop Storing in the Fridge ASAP!

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Last Updated on November 3, 2020

5. Sauces and Dressings

There is another batch of items that you should do well to keep away from the refrigerator! Anything that has to do with sauces or dressings has to be put in a place in which the temperature does not go as low as it does inside fridges, be them mini-fridges or big fridges. Therefore, make sure that you keep ketchup, soy sauce, salad dressing, and spicy sauces away from that smart refrigerator or that LG fridge you have in the house.

6. Flour Products

When we talk about flour products, we immediately refer to bread and other bakery items. The general rule when it comes to these items is that they should not be inside the refrigerator. The reason behind this is the fact that when these items are kept in low temperatures, they tend to turn taste wet, which is not something that you would want to taste in your mouth. Make sure that you do not store four products inside that Samsung refrigerator you have in the house. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

7. Jams and Pickles

The rule also states that you should never put your jams and pickles inside the refrigerator, be it a cheap refrigerator or a top-notch one. Pickles are already protected by the solution they are floating in so as not to go bad, so you do not have to put them inside the fridge. Moreover, if you put the jam inside a Whirlpool refrigerator or a Samsung refrigerator, you will cause the growth of mold inside the jam, which will cause it to go bad.

8. Olive Oil

Another food item that you should never put inside the fridge is olive oil. Think of it this way: if you are not willing to put olive oil inside a stand-up freezer or an upright freezer, then you should not put it inside the fridge. If you do so, the low temperature inside that Samsung fridge or that Whirlpool fridge will cause the oil to release some sediments that will cause the oil to become cloudy, which is not something that you would want your oil to turn into.


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