9 Amazing Exercises To Create The Butt Of Your Dreams

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Lateral Leg Raises

©Home Hacks

The good thing about this exercise is that it requires so special equipment or machines. You can do it at the gym as well as in your own house. To do it properly, here is what you need to do :

• With should-width apart, get down to the floor with your hands and knees and make sure that your plans are placed on the mat.

• Make sure you engage your abs and then very slowly try to lift and straighten one leg up to the side until it is in line with your hip. Stay in that position for some couple of minutes, return to the starting position and then repeat.

• While performing this exercise, make sure that your back is in a flat position and that you don’t shift too much weight to the side.

Plank Leg Raises

©Home Hacks

To make your hip flexors and lower back work hard, you’ve got to do more of Plank’s leg raises. However, if you are a beginner, make sure you do a warm-up training!

• A high plank position is your starting position. So, make sure that when you start your feet hip-width apart.

• Carefully raise your leg to avoid arching your back. Try to remain in that position as much as you can. Get your down and repeat.

• While performing this exercise, make sure your spine is kept in a neutral position and your head in a line with your neck.

• While you lift one leg, make sure you breath out and squeeze the but muscles.

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