Runny Nose? These 7 Home Remedies Will Fix It!

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Last Updated on November 29, 2020

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7. Eat spicy foods

If you’re not used to eating spicy food, don’t eat it right away, try to add a few spicy seasonings in your everyday meals to see if you can handle it or not. You can try a lot of hot spices such as habanero, wasabi, ginger, and pepper. These are known to relieve a lot of sinus issues because when eaten, they dilate passageways in our bodies, which helps a lot with nose decongestion. If you suffer from a runny nose, you should focus on trying other remedies on this list since spicy food and condiments don’t help runny noses and can make them worse. Keep in mind that these are home remedies that will help your symptoms but will not cure your condition. Since the ways on how to stop a runny nose from allergies aren’t the same for runny noses caused by colds, don’t expect it these remedies to work the same. If you suffer from allergies, for example, you should be taking medication to fight them. Even a cold, no matter how common and simple it might seem, should always be checked out by a doctor. Find out what works best for you and helps you the best when it comes to relieving your symptoms.


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