Runny Nose? These 7 Home Remedies Will Fix It!

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Last Updated on November 29, 2020

4. Facial steam

Steam is key to decongest and help your runny nose symptoms. You can either buy a facial steam machine or make your own. Firstly, you should heat some water in a normal pot; you should heat it on your stove. You shouldn’t heat it to a boiling point, but just enough to produce some steam. After, place your head near the steam in whatever position you find more comfortable. The important part is that you breathe the steam. You must find a comfortable position because you should do this for 20 minutes each time, while you do it try to breathe through the nose. If this sounds like too much work, you can always buy a facial steamer online for low prices. But why spend money on something you can easily do with home utensils? [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

5. Use a Neti pot

Even though using a neti pot isn’t the most joyful experience, it’s for sure an efficient way on how to stop a runny nose. But what is it? It’s an object that washes your nose inside. How? Well, the body of the item which is usually in a teardrop shape is meant for you to use as a container for warm saline solution, with the help of the attached spout, you pour this liquid through one of your nostrils and out the other. This will help rinse out any mucus and get rid of your stuffy nose. You can get this item on a local store or pharmacy. They’re also available online. Make sure you read the instructions carefully before using this item, so you don’t end up making your condition even worse.

6. Get an Air purifier

If you suffer from allergies to pollen, mold, or dust, an air purifier machine is probably the most life-changing item you’ll ever buy in your entire life. They can be quite pricey, but they’re worth it. Allergies are no joke. They can affect not only your nose but your eyes, skin, throat, and so on. Air purifiers remove all these things you’re allergic to from the air that you breathe. Say goodbye to sleepless and restless nights, having one of these machines on your bedroom will improve your health immensely.


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