The 6 Best toothbrush care tips

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Last Updated on December 19, 2020

6. Replacing your toothbrush

Probably the most important thing you must do and a lot of people forget doing is throwing away your toothbrush every 4 months, or even sooner if you notice that the bristles are becoming frayed. Why? Well, if the bristles are too worn, that means that the brush won’t be offering an efficient cleaning process, so no matter how much you brush your teeth, if the toothbrush is old, you’ll end up with bad breath, dirt accumulation and yellowish teeth. If you’ve been sick with the flu, for example, or another contagious disease, it is also a good idea to substitute your toothbrush immediately to avoid getting infected again or pass it to your family or other people you might live with. At the end of the day, oral hygiene shouldn’t be ignored. Your smile is something that people immediately notice when they first meet you, so keeping a clean mouth is key for a good first impression. We also advise you to avoid purchasing plastic toothbrushes and invest in bamboo ones since they’re environment friendly. If you really want an electric toothbrush, make sure it’s made from metal instead of plastic, for example. The difference that we can make in the world relies on our small actions, so act well!


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