Palpitations: A Banal Sensation that Can be a Warning Sign

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

1. What is palpitation or palpitations?

What is palpitation or palpitations© vitamins.lovetoknow

Palpitations correspond to the unusual perception of heartbeats, which are normally not perceived. These may be stronger (hyperkinetic palpitation) or irregular (arrhythmic palpitations). These two types can, however, cohabit in the same person.

The episodes can last from a few seconds to several hours, to be frequent or rare and occur only during certain events, such as the practice of sport.

This is a fairly common sign that can correspond to a wide range of conditions, ranging from “neuro-vegetative dystonia” which is an anxiety or benign extrasystole to more severe cardiac arrhythmias that need to be treated.

The feeling of palpitations is by no means synonymous with cardiac arrhythmia and can simply reflect the anxiety of people with no rhythm disorder. But if the palpitations are associated with poor tolerance: shortness of breath, discomfort with or without loss of consciousness, chest pain, they must be imperatively explored.



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