How to keep all the filthy germs away from your smartphone

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Last Updated on November 6, 2020

2. Rubbing alcohol and water

We need to start this topic with a safety disclaimer: rubbing alcohol can be very harsh and damage your smartphone’s screen coating IF not properly diluted. It will wear out the protective coating incorporated on your screen that makes it resistant to oil, water, and scratches. That is why we only recommend using this cleaning technique on smartphones that have some kind of screen protector (such as tempered glass or Polyethylene Terephthalate), unless you really know what you are doing. Use a 100 ml container to prepare this DIY solution. Fill it up with 70 ml of water and 30 ml of rubbing alcohol – make sure to use 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. When it comes to disinfecting your phone’s screen, this type of alcohol can be much more effective than a simple microfiber cloth with plain water. However, this product should only be used from time to time and you shouldn’t spray it directly on the screen. Spray it on the corner of a microfiber cloth, wait a few seconds and then wipe your screen as we taught you earlier. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

3. Disinfectant wipes

These wipes are great for disinfecting your phone, if you use them nowhere near the screen. Disinfectant wipes usually are saturated with a liquid that contains a high percentage of alcohol, thus the promises of killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria we normally see advertised on the packaging. Some brands also advertise that their wipes are safe to use on electronics such as smartphones and tablets, but we are not so sure about that – Apple, for example, advice against using disinfectants on its devices. Although they are a potential source of harm to the screen (for the same reasons aforementioned), they will work great on your accessories: phone case, earbuds, and charger, for example. You just have to be careful so that the excess of liquid does not come into direct contact with any internal component. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

4. UV germ killer

Have you ever heard about PhoneSoap? A while ago, this product was widely reported throughout the technology press for promising to eliminate almost the entire range of germs and bacteria from your electronic equipment using UV light. This technology kills all the germs without damaging your device in any way, making it the perfect phone disinfectant. Since then, several brands of UV cleaners have entered the market. With prices ranging from up to 0, these portable devices come in different colors and fit all smartphone models (and even some iPods, cameras, and remote controls). The most recent PhoneSoap 3 sanitizes your phone in only 10 minutes while simultaneously charging it.


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