Here Are the 5 Ways To Keep Your spine Straight Before It’s Too Late!

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Make sure that your mattress is firm but not too firm or it will push on your pressure points and cause you discomfort. A mattress that is too firm supports your shoulders and hip but not your spine which is left out of alignment, especially if you usually sleep on your sides.

Meanwhile, if you sleep on a mattress that is too soft, your body will sink into it and your spine will follow the curve of the mattress which leads to pain and spinal misalignment in the long term.

Look for a mattress that can help keep your spine stay in a neutral position when you’re sleeping and avoid sleeping in the fetal position where your spine is bent forward and your chest is pressed against your legs.

Instead, sleep on your side and support your waist and upper leg with pillows to keep your spine stress-free.

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#3 – Exercise

All types of exercise can help keep your spine healthy and reduce the risk of many spinal disorders. To improve your spine flexibility and protect it from misalignment before it’s too late, try the following yoga exercises:

● Bridge exercise
This yoga exercise stretches the tendons and muscles of your lower back and hips.
Do the bridge exercise by lying on your back and slowly raising your hips while keeping your shoulders pressed against the floor.
Stay in this position for five seconds, rest for a bit, then repeat three times.

● Hip crossover stretch
The hip crossover stretch helps release tightness from your muscles and relieves you from back pain. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent shoulder-width apart, cross your left ankle over your right knee, gently pull your left knee towards your right shoulder with both hands, and hold the position for no more than 30 seconds, rest, and then repeat.

● Child’s pose
This pose allows your spine to stretch and lengthen, and releases the tension and fatigue from your body. To do the child’s pose, sit on your knees, spread them apart, and bow forward on your thighs. Keep your arms stretched forward and your head down.



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