Here are 7 interesting tips to combat bad breath

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Teeth brushing plus flossing

© advicesinhealth

There are plenty of new ways to clean your teeth, but nothing can be compared to the traditional way of brushing. Have you noticed that traditional and old fashioned ways of doing things usually work out very well? Perhaps you did or about to by following this tip.

First, it must be noted that oral health includes having healthy gum and teeth. That is why it is important to look after your teeth by brushing them. However, the brushing thing is not correctly grasped by the majority of people.

Brushing your teeth fiercely or by putting too much pressure on them will actually damage your teeth. The key thing in teeth brushing is the smooth and slow brushing of all your teeth for 2 minutes two times a day. But it is also preferable to brush them after each meal.

In addition to brushing your teeth, which will clean them from all bacteria and accumulated germs, you need to floss them for at least once. The catastrophic thing is that studies reveal that few women, approximately 55%, brush their teeth for the 2 recommended times, whereas men’s brushing habits are even worse.

In fact, only 49% of them do brush their teeth. Flossing and brushing your teeth will save the fortune you could be obliged to pay for a dental check.

Healthy gum

© advicesinhealth

The pockets of your teeth are also the favorite gathering spot of bacteria which cause bad breath. Scientific researches show the link between smoking, gum problems and bad oral odor.

Smoking dangers are not confined to causing cancer or infections in your lungs or mouth, it actually weakens the whole immune system which is supposed to be the mechanism to protect your body from chronic diseases and bacterial infections.

A weak immune system affects your oral health as well, in the sense that it results in gum disease which is the exact thing that causes bad breath. So how to manage this whole thing? You need to quit smoking as the first step and pick fluoride- based toothpaste for your gum.

Besides, having the best gum for dental health entails also using, for instance, Colgate total advanced dental care mouthwash or any other mouthwash which helps in killing the bacteria in your mouth.

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