Here Are 5 Warning Signs Of Urinary Tract Infection You Need To Know!

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#5 – Fever or chills

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Experiencing a sudden rise in body temperature is a sign of uncontrolled urinary infection.

Infection in the upper urinary tract is the most serious, as it easily attacks the kidneys and causes severe symptoms which include but aren’t limited to fever followed by nausea and vomiting.

Usually, these symptoms take 24 to 48 hours to go away but symptoms of a kidney infection may last one week or longer after the beginning of antibiotic treatment.

Most of the time, people think that bladder infection and other types of UTI will go away on their own. While this indeed happens sometimes, most of the time it doesn’t, which may lead to serious disorders and even deadly consequences.

That is why it’s highly advisable that you begin UTI treatment immediately after you experience the above symptoms. Stay healthy!

This infection easily affects more women than men because women’s urethra is shorter and bacteria can travel faster through it.

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