9 Germy Things You Should Sanitize At Home To Stay Healthy!

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Last Updated on November 15, 2020

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3. Stuffed Animals

Kids love stuffed animals. They take them everywhere and drag them through all sorts of surfaces. By the end of the day, this item is probably dirtier than the floor of a central metro station. But guess what? Every kid will bite and chew his stuffed animal anyway, allowing all collected germs to enter his organism easily. It’s absolutely gross, isn’t it? That’s why parents need to wash stuffed animals at least once a week using a hot water setting. It’s the best way to keep the favorite toy of their kids harmless.

4. Door Handles

In public places like shopping malls and hospitals, you should avoid touching door handles at all costs. Considering the number of different people who touch them, they can easily accumulate a huge amount of germs. Everybody knows that. But it would be weird to open the bathroom door with your elbow in your own home, right? That’s why you need to clean all door handles! And don’t use regular cleaning products to do so. These surfaces need to be carefully disinfected very often with specific disinfecting products to prevent germs from spreading to other parts of your house – and potentially contaminating family members.

5. Kitchen Items

When you cut raw meat, fecal bacteria are released from within the meat and contaminate both your hands and kitchen tools (such as knives and cutting boards). The kitchen counter and dish sponges can also accumulate more bacteria per square inch than your toilet seat. Gross! Lastly, make sure you disinfect other areas that are frequently touched by everyone in your house, such as cabinets and refrigerator door handles, and the microwave. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. Light Switches

Everybody seems to forget about the light switches during a house cleaning routine. Even though you only touch them with your fingertips for no more than a second, that’s enough to spread germs into its surface. It’s a small detail that can hold a lot of germs for a very long time – very similar to elevator buttons.

7. Dog Toys And Food Bowl

Did you know that your dog might pick up more than 2 thousand bacteria per square inch every time he licks the bowl’s surface to grab the last pieces of food? Start washing your pet food bowl along with your own dishes and his favorite toys along with your clothes. It’ s a good trick to ensure you won’t forget to do it. That will keep your pet safe from a series of infections.


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