9 Germy Things You Should Sanitize At Home To Stay Healthy!

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Last Updated on November 15, 2020

2020 is the year in which the vast majority of the population learned about the real dangers of germs due to the current health crisis. These microscopic critters can invade our organism and provoke bacterial, fungal, and viral infections that can potentially be very dangerous to our health. So, what can we do to fight these invisible enemies? As a general rule, you should regularly wash or sanitize your hands during the day, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and disinfect all personal and household items you frequently touch. The combination of these three preventive measures will drastically reduce the likelihood of germs getting into your organism and making you sick. Here are the 9 household items you should sanitize more often.

1. Smartphone Device

We are constantly using our electronic devices, and the cell phone is by far the one people use the most. Scrolling through social media, reading the news, replying to emails, watching videos, and listening to music. All these things are done through that little device that we carry around in our pockets everywhere we go. Since our hands are constantly all over it and we put it down anywhere, the fact that the cell phone is one of the items we own that contain most germs is not surprising at all. You do need to disinfect it regularly, and you need to do it the right way. You can’t just use a random disinfecting product. Buy a specialized alcohol spray solution or disinfecting wipes for smartphones – these products will clean your device without damaging its screen protective coating.

2. Computer keyboard

The same line of reasoning applies to desktop and laptop keyboards, especially if you spend most of your day using computers to get work done. Even worse, keyboards have a lot of nooks and crannies between keycaps where germs can lurk, which makes them extremely hard to clean. If you use an external keyboard, don’t be afraid to disassemble it (remove all keycaps) to clean and disinfect it thoroughly. The remote control is another electronic device that needs to be disinfected every once in a while. Or maybe start using a smartphone app to control your TV, and you’ll only need to disinfect one item.


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