7 Of The Most Effective Ways To Remove Dead Skin From Your Feet At Home!

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Last Updated on December 18, 2020

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3. Homemade Foot Scrub

You can buy foot scrubs on most pharmacies, but you can also do some DIY foot scrub. How to make a foot scrub at home? It’s quite simple: take two tablespoons of sea salt and mix it with the same amount of lemon juice and baby oil. Using your palms, rub it gently onto your feet or, if you prefer, use an appropriate sponge that will help with the removal of dead skin. After you are done, be sure to rinse the mix with warm water.

4. Make An Oatmeal Scrub

Oatmeal is a great breakfast, but were you aware that it can also be a great way to get rid of dead skin? Use rose water and oatmeal in equal amounts and make a paste that should be applied to your feet. Let it sit for about half an hour, and then proceed to exfoliate your feet using a foot brush. Rinse it off using cold water, and allow your feet to dry in the air before applying a foot moisturizer. To get the best results, do this every other day.

5. Make A Soak Using Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is nothing more than crystallized magnesium sulfate, a mineral compound that can be used to smooth your cracked feet, as well as to remove dead skin cells. Prepare yourself a footbath using warm water, and add half a cup of salt into it. Sit down and relax while your feet soak for the next 20 minutes. If you want to create a scrub instead of a soak, mix a fair amount of Epsom salt with a tablespoon of olive oil on top of a sponge, and then proceed to gently rub it on the affected areas. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. Try A Vinegar Soak

The most popular option amongst the people who like to use vinegar soaks to get rid of dead skin are white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. Still, you can use any vinegar for this purpose. For this soak, use cold water and mix 1-part vinegar to 2 parts water, soaking your feet on this mix for 10 minutes. After you are done, you can always use a pumice stone to try and remove as much dead skin as possible. Do not forget to moisturize after this process, using coconut oil, for example, and putting on socks afterward to seal it in. Please do not repeat this treatment too often as it might dry your skin.


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