7 Of The Most Effective Ways To Remove Dead Skin From Your Feet At Home!

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Last Updated on December 18, 2020

© pixabay The human body is absolutely wonderful, and it finds its own ways to regenerate. The uncomfortable dead skin you have on your feet is nothing else but your body exfoliating itself through a natural process. This will happen more frequently if you don’t moisturize your skin properly. However, the simple friction caused by running or walking, and the use of shoes and socks who enclose your feet will cause dead skin to form on the soles of your feet. As long as the dead skin on your feet is not a consequence of skin conditions such as eczema or athlete’s foot, it won’t be painful – but it will look dry and cracked. Whether it is for health reasons or esthetic purposes, people don’t usually enjoy having dead skin hanging from their feet. To help you out, we compiled a list of 7 of the best ways to remove dead skin from your feet– and the best part is that you can do this at home! [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

1. Use A Pumice Stone

This natural lava stone has been used for ages to help remove dead skin from feet, as well as callouses. It is really easy to use – all you need to do is a bit of warm water. Use a container large enough that you can put your feet inside, and let them soak in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes as this will have a softening effect. Then, take the stone and rub it on your feet in a circular motion. This will remove the first layer of dead skin, and this is exactly what you want, as it will promote regeneration. How to keep your feet soft? Apply some lotion afterward. Be cautious and do not use this method in injured or sore areas.

2. Use Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax is used on many nail saloons as an extra for pedicures, and you can do it at home as well. This won’t do any damage or cause irritation to your skin. You can use a saucepan to melt the wax and use it to fill a bowl where you will dip your feet. The process is to dip your feet repeatedly, and after you have many layers of wax applied, you should use plastic to wrap your feet. Once the wax gets hard, it’s time to remove it, and with it, the dead skin. This answers to major questions: how to get rid of dead skin on feet and how to get soft feet fast. However, you shouldn’t do this if you suffer from blood circulation issues, if you have any diabetic neuropathy or if you have an open sore on your feet. Always monitor the temperature of the wax to avoid accidents.


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