10 Ways To Have A Smooth and Healthy Pregnancy!

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Last Updated on January 20, 2021

4. Keep an exercise routine

People seem to think that pregnant women should just sit down and wait nine months for their baby to pop-up, but regular exercise is actually essential if you want to give birth smoothly and if you want to lose the baby weight easily. Exercising regularly will increase your chances of delivering your baby naturally, and you need a healthy body for things to happen naturally. But keep in mind that if you didn’t use to exercise before you got pregnant, you need to seek professional opinion and a tailor-made exercise plan.

5. Listen closely to your body

Besides your doctor, only you can know what is best for yourself, and the best way to do so is by listening closely to your body and to what it is trying to let you know. During the first trimester and the third, you may experience fatigue, and this is your body telling you that it is time to sit back and relax and that you should rest whenever you feel tired.

6. Say goodbye to alcohol and go easy on the coffee

Like we have stated before, during your pregnancy, keeping your body healthy is a top priority. That means that your alcohol intake should be zero, since it can have negative effects on your baby’s spinal and brain developments. Plus, it would help if you reduced your caffeine intake, as studies have linked high levels of caffeine to a higher chance of miscarriage.

7. Limit your exposure to toxic products

Cleaning your house when you are pregnant is not easy at all because you shouldn’t expose yourself to products that can be toxic or to any strong smells, like bleach. When shopping for cleaning products, be sure to choose the ones that are non-toxic solutions, and if your work involves chemicals, take all the necessary precautions to make sure your baby is protected. Some chemicals have been linked to the development of birth defects.

8. Visit your dentist

This might sound a little weird, but the high estrogen levels you will experience during your pregnancy will increase the risk of developing conditions like gingivitis, an inflammation in which you will experience bleeding gums. This happens because the high levels of estrogen and progesterone start to interact with the bacteria present in the plaque, leaving you with swollen gums that will bleed and feel tender. Dental health is very important; a visit to the doctors can’t hurt.


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