10 Ways To Have A Smooth and Healthy Pregnancy!

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Last Updated on January 20, 2021

9. Wear sunscreen

Even when you are pregnant, you need to get that vitamin D, but you need to do it with care because your skin will be more sensitive and, therefore, more prone to sunburns. During your pregnancy, you should avoid tanning beds, and while sunbathing, you should use sunscreen that is at least SPF 30. Pregnancy-safe sunscreen is advised as well.

10. Know when you should call your doctor

You should give your doctor a call if: You are experiencing vaginal bleeding or fluid leaking You are experiencing labor symptoms, such as contractions that are no more than 20 minutes apart You feel any kind of pain You feel a strong cramping Your heart is palpitating You feel dizzy You don’t feel your baby moving You are having trouble breathing


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