10 Seemingly Harmless Hygienic Habits That You Need To Quit Now

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021


Using An Office Coffe Machine

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Your office coffee machine reservoir is a perfect environment for different types of nasty and harmful bacteria. In fact, it is found that the office coffee machine’s reservoir is dirtier than a bathroom doorknob, therefore, it can cause the person who use it to drink coffee many health problems and complications.

However, the office coffee machine can only be a healthy choice in case it is regularly and properly washed using hot water and dishwashing soap. To protect your health and stay on the safe side, we recommend making one portion of coffee! You’d better be safe than sorry!


Keeping Your Mobile Phone In Your Purse

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You might think that your purse is a safe and clean space where you can store your gadget, but this is completely wrong ! putting your phone in your purse is a habit that you need to quit immediately.

Instead, you can put it in a case and keep it in your pocket. This way you can protect from the surrounding environment and help it remain less contaminated with bacteria and germs.

Don’t forget to clean your phone every day using wipes as bacteria can easily grow on its surface. To motivate you to start wiping your phone on a daily basis, it’s worth sharing that an average phone is found to be 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Of course, you don’t wanna put that on your face!




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