10 Things You Should Never Ever Touch in Hospitals

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Last Updated on November 19, 2020

4. Hospital tray table

Tray tables or those rolling carts you usually see nurses or other hospital staff carrying around, normally serving food to the patients and different types of things like medications, towels, etc. In case you didn’t know, these tray tables go around the entire hospital! From every floor to every corridor, that tray table has traveled everywhere! So think about the bacteria that are not only on this item but also picked up and transferred amongst people.

5. IV poles

Talking about germy places, that metal pole used for carrying IV bags is also not safe to touch at all. It has been found to carry a lot of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, one of the most dangerous types of bacteria since normal medication won’t be enough to fight it. Whether you’re a nurse, doctor, patient, or visitor. Every time you feel the need to touch one of these poles or anything suspicious really, use a couple of drops of hand sanitizer to wash your hands after or disinfect it before you touch it. 6.Hospital bathrooms Public restrooms are just a nightmare when it comes to germs and bacteria. You would think hospitals would have much more attention to the cleaning of these spaces, but the truth is, even if they do, hospitals are as crowded as malls on Christmas eve, and unfortunately, it’s mostly crowded with sick people. So, be careful when going to these bathrooms, avoid touching surfaces with your hands, and always use a lot of hand sanitizer after! 7.Water faucet You would think toilets are the germiest object in the bathroom, which is no lie, but normally we don’t touch toilets with our hands, which is the main way we pick up and transfer bacteria. What we do touch is water faucets, and they exist not only in bathrooms but also in a lot of other hospital areas since current handwashing is not only a requirement but a necessity for health workers. So, when washing your hands at a hospital or any other public space, use a piece of paper as a shield of protection against all the germs.


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