7 Skin Symptoms That May Signal Dangerous Health Problems

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Last Updated on January 24, 2021

Everybody wants to have healthy skin. That’s why skincare products have become so popular in the past few decades. After all, it’s the outer covering of the body that we are talking about– and it has a major influence on our looks. Unfortunately, we all know how common some skin problems are. From acne breakouts to skin rashes, there are a series of issues that may arise on the skin. Although the vast majority of these skin conditions are practically harmless and easily treated with the right care (and the right products or home remedies), others can be signs of a serious disease. Therefore, it is important to know the implications that some symptoms may have. That’s what we are here for. Here are seven skin-related symptoms that might be a sign you have a serious disease!

1. Skin Tags

Skin tags are small pieces of soft skin that are hanging from the skin by a peduncle. These benign tumors don’t present any threat to our health, and they can be removed with over-the-counter therapies or surgery if you find them aesthetically unpleasant. That being said, it is important to note that type 2 diabetes can cause skin tags. If you’ve been seeing a few new skin tags popping up on your body lately and have another symptom of type 2 diabetes such as increased thirst or slow-healing wounds, check your blood sugar levels. Sometimes this skin overgrowth occurs due to a protein involved in diabetes. Similarly, skin tags can be an external sign of metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. In some rare cases, they might also be linked with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome and Polycystic ovary syndrome. People suffering from obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol have a higher risk of developing this skin condition. Keep your whole body healthy!

2. New Freckles On The Face

Freckles can be a rather charming attribute. These dark spots are triggered by exposure to sunlight: The UV radiation stimulates melanin production in certain cells, causing them to acquire a darker pigmentation that makes them stand out from the rest of the skin tone. Rest assured, freckles are not a disorder. They are harmless, and anyone can get them (some skin types are more prone to develop them than others). The problem is that some forms of skin cancer look a lot like harmless freckles at an early stage. If you notice you’ve developed a new freckle, take some time to look it over. If it looks completely normal, there’s no need for alarm. Just keep a close eye on that new freckle and seek a dermatologist when you notice some worrying change on its color, size, or shape.


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