7 Skin Symptoms That May Signal Dangerous Health Problems

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Last Updated on January 24, 2021

3. Random Acne Breakouts

Acne is one of the greatest dramas of adolescence. We’ve all been there. Although it stops affecting most people when they enter adulthood, many adults continue to be distressed by this skin problem and have their self-esteem heavily affected. Suppose you are a woman who has irregular menstrual cycles and recently started to develop random skin breakouts. In that case, you should know that it might be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a hormonal disorder that can lead to a series of dangerous complications, including infertility, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, depression, anxiety, endometrial cancer, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and metabolic syndrome.

4. Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is one of those common issues that everyone experiences from time to time—especially those who have sensitive and dry skin or suffer from allergies. However, when that itchiness makes you so uncomfortable that you can’t focus on anything else besides that itchy spot, it’s time to worry about it. Leukemia, lymphoma, kidney failure, and liver disease are some health issues that have itchy skin listed as a potential early symptom. If you also have a fever or night sweats, call your doctor immediately.

5. Swelling In Feet And Legs

Did you know that dermatologists can sometimes be the first doctors to identify heart disease? That’s right. Swollen legs and feet are usually indicators of heart disease. Many of these diseases cause fluid to build up in this region of your body, making them swollen.

6. Yellowish Skin

When the skin becomes pale and yellowish, it is almost always a sign that something is wrong with our organism. There’s a very long list of diseases that can make this happen. Some of them are really dangerous: pancreatic and small intestine cancer, tuberculosis, cirrhosis, hepatitis A, C and C, gastrointestinal bleeding, and sarcoidosis are just some examples. This is just one of those symptoms that you should never ignore.

7. Moles

Skin cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer in the world, so it might be a good idea to start using sunscreen regularly (SPF 30) and avoid sun exposure at peak hours. Fortunately, most cases are detected at an early stage, which highly increases the chances of being treated effectively. This early detection happens because, unlike other cancers, the first signs of skin cancer are often visible and easy to identify: weird-looking moles. The American Cancer Association created the ABCDE mnemonic technique for skin cancer detection. This will make your self-examination a lot easier since you will know exactly what to look for.


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